wee !! ii jux returnd h0me fr0m splend0urs.
da bandd perf0rmance was vehh niice-
alvin sh0 c0ol ~ xDD !
then thay gave 0ut light sticks.
ii g0t pink + blue ..then ii wantd yell0w 0ne-
then am0s gave mae! thnks w0rs ((:
l0ve it n0rs ..supa cutes nehh`
hees ..
bf0r g0ing splend0urs,
ii went ta highlight mua hair ..agains
actuali wantd to hav a base uf red + bl0nde-
budden mua hair cant abs0rb da c0l0ur.
sh0 ii bleachh mua hair 0nli n0rs* th0se highlight-
sh0 naw g0t abit br0wnishh ..
that tym d red as0 c0me 0ut le ~
then abit uf bl0nde here n there-
ii lyk nehhs xDD
then ii finishd mua hair thingy,
arnd 3+++pm marhs ..
was lyk t0o earli t0 mit jf n shin kiat-
decidedd ii wana g0 tpy interchange`
d t0ilet n c mua hair
then g0 h0me n slack n0rs*
hu n0es 0n da wae ii saw f0n9x.
thenn she sae she buying heels,
sh0 ii acc0mpany her n0rs`
thenn she sae she mit9 alex + ian ..
ii was lyk,
0kies` ii g0 h0me n slack after she b0ught her heels.
but was t0ldd ian + alex d0wan
acc0mpany her g0 far east-
sh0 ii saidd ii acc0mpany her n0rs*
since ii g0t nuttin' ta d0o.
ii was j0king saeing let's take ne0print
-when she dep0siting m0ney,
then she lyk, 0kies. take ne0prints` l0lx.
went far east ~ferst thin9 g0 takie ne0prints nia0s.
then w0kd arndd ..met nic0le n her bf(Jz)
haa` they vehh cutes nehh-
nic0le can t0k t0 him n l0ok at him til sh0 ..
sh0 engr0ssd in their t0pic til-
when we'r jux bside them ~
they cant sense 0ur presence.
l0ls? we refers to mae n f0n9x.
then we went t0 da undergr0und d burger king,
sat d0wn n crapps. l0ls-
waitd f0r peii f0r sh0 l0ng nehhs`
then she sae she'l b at s-11. 0rchard pnt there-
n sh0 we went ..ate n chattd'
peii lyk vehh enthu d ~kip t0k9 + ask9 da guy qn.
l0ls` ii stil rmbr 0ur mark9 list f0r nic0le's bf-
hehhs xDD then after eatin9 it was lyk ..7:1o'
d0ts! we'r supp0sed ta reach vict0ria c0ncert hall
..at arnd 7:15 or 7:2o
sh0 mae peii n dee t0ok taxii`
rushhd there ~
* phew * we'r n0rt late xDD
after da thingy saw ms c0n9,
she wearing 0ur class tee !
~finali man :DD kekes ..
thenn saw abraham-
he vehh suhaiis t0dae w0rs*
everidae as0 shuaii narhs- t0dae esp shuaii ~
l0ls x= mua didi lehhs` uf c0shh !
haa ~jkjk. n0rt sh0 bhb xDD
saidd hi n t0kd ta him awhile n0rs-
then after that went h0me wif jiafeii n guisheng.
at there ii saw akarad, j0rii,
kamyew, kian h0n9, al0ts al0tz. bcum shuaii nia0s*
plus ii miss mua tyms in sk0ol
; when we always plae arnd~
hehhs ..that's b0ut al n0rs`
tml mit9 nic0le agains nehh !
mux takie ne0prints wif her xDD
kakas- o0h yahhs- t0dae bf0r left hse.
she t0ldd mae b0ut her fwen, twinnie (lisa)
was crie-ing. n nic0le was 0n webcam wif her.
ii n0e that kinda feel9, c ur fwen crie-
but uu can d0 nuttin' s=
hart pain mans ~feel lyk fly 0ver n c0ns0le
+ lendd her sh0ulder t0 crie 0n.
then she cut herself f0r d guy man.
sh0 stupidd rytes- ii did that bf0r`
cut mua wrist wif penknife' 15 cuts s=
ii wil luff at muaself d
~whie last tym mae sh0 dumbb.
budden ii did that bf0r`
naw ii wun d0 it agains le xDD
learn ~learn fr0m mua mistakes n0rs` hehhs.
it's c0nfirmd that 28th,
which ishh on a m0n.
we'r getting back 0ur 'o' lvls results.
im kinda scaredd man-
pls pls pls ~ lemme hav lyk, 16 f0r l1r4.
least lemme get int0 business + acc0unt9 d c0urse in SP-
seri0usly scaredd ii'l d0 badly ..sighh s=
alritey narhhs ..im tiired x_x
mux g0 uffline s0on le nehhs`
n0ites every0ne ^-^
ca0caos ~
da bandd perf0rmance was vehh niice-
alvin sh0 c0ol ~ xDD !
then thay gave 0ut light sticks.
ii g0t pink + blue ..then ii wantd yell0w 0ne-
then am0s gave mae! thnks w0rs ((:
l0ve it n0rs ..supa cutes nehh`
hees ..
bf0r g0ing splend0urs,
ii went ta highlight mua hair ..agains
actuali wantd to hav a base uf red + bl0nde-
budden mua hair cant abs0rb da c0l0ur.
sh0 ii bleachh mua hair 0nli n0rs* th0se highlight-
sh0 naw g0t abit br0wnishh ..
that tym d red as0 c0me 0ut le ~
then abit uf bl0nde here n there-
ii lyk nehhs xDD
then ii finishd mua hair thingy,
arnd 3+++pm marhs ..
was lyk t0o earli t0 mit jf n shin kiat-
decidedd ii wana g0 tpy interchange`
d t0ilet n c mua hair
then g0 h0me n slack n0rs*
hu n0es 0n da wae ii saw f0n9x.
thenn she sae she buying heels,
sh0 ii acc0mpany her n0rs`
thenn she sae she mit9 alex + ian ..
ii was lyk,
0kies` ii g0 h0me n slack after she b0ught her heels.
but was t0ldd ian + alex d0wan
acc0mpany her g0 far east-
sh0 ii saidd ii acc0mpany her n0rs*
since ii g0t nuttin' ta d0o.
ii was j0king saeing let's take ne0print
-when she dep0siting m0ney,
then she lyk, 0kies. take ne0prints` l0lx.
went far east ~ferst thin9 g0 takie ne0prints nia0s.
then w0kd arndd ..met nic0le n her bf(Jz)
haa` they vehh cutes nehh-
nic0le can t0k t0 him n l0ok at him til sh0 ..
sh0 engr0ssd in their t0pic til-
when we'r jux bside them ~
they cant sense 0ur presence.
l0ls? we refers to mae n f0n9x.
then we went t0 da undergr0und d burger king,
sat d0wn n crapps. l0ls-
waitd f0r peii f0r sh0 l0ng nehhs`
then she sae she'l b at s-11. 0rchard pnt there-
n sh0 we went ..ate n chattd'
peii lyk vehh enthu d ~kip t0k9 + ask9 da guy qn.
l0ls` ii stil rmbr 0ur mark9 list f0r nic0le's bf-
hehhs xDD then after eatin9 it was lyk ..7:1o'
d0ts! we'r supp0sed ta reach vict0ria c0ncert hall
..at arnd 7:15 or 7:2o
sh0 mae peii n dee t0ok taxii`
rushhd there ~
* phew * we'r n0rt late xDD
after da thingy saw ms c0n9,
she wearing 0ur class tee !
~finali man :DD kekes ..
thenn saw abraham-
he vehh suhaiis t0dae w0rs*
everidae as0 shuaii narhs- t0dae esp shuaii ~
l0ls x= mua didi lehhs` uf c0shh !
haa ~jkjk. n0rt sh0 bhb xDD
saidd hi n t0kd ta him awhile n0rs-
then after that went h0me wif jiafeii n guisheng.
at there ii saw akarad, j0rii,
kamyew, kian h0n9, al0ts al0tz. bcum shuaii nia0s*
plus ii miss mua tyms in sk0ol
; when we always plae arnd~
hehhs ..that's b0ut al n0rs`
tml mit9 nic0le agains nehh !
mux takie ne0prints wif her xDD
kakas- o0h yahhs- t0dae bf0r left hse.
she t0ldd mae b0ut her fwen, twinnie (lisa)
was crie-ing. n nic0le was 0n webcam wif her.
ii n0e that kinda feel9, c ur fwen crie-
but uu can d0 nuttin' s=
hart pain mans ~feel lyk fly 0ver n c0ns0le
+ lendd her sh0ulder t0 crie 0n.
then she cut herself f0r d guy man.
sh0 stupidd rytes- ii did that bf0r`
cut mua wrist wif penknife' 15 cuts s=
ii wil luff at muaself d
~whie last tym mae sh0 dumbb.
budden ii did that bf0r`
naw ii wun d0 it agains le xDD
learn ~learn fr0m mua mistakes n0rs` hehhs.
it's c0nfirmd that 28th,
which ishh on a m0n.
we'r getting back 0ur 'o' lvls results.
im kinda scaredd man-
pls pls pls ~ lemme hav lyk, 16 f0r l1r4.
least lemme get int0 business + acc0unt9 d c0urse in SP-
seri0usly scaredd ii'l d0 badly ..sighh s=
alritey narhhs ..im tiired x_x
mux g0 uffline s0on le nehhs`
n0ites every0ne ^-^
ca0caos ~
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