ain't a g0od dae.
ydae ain't a g0od n0ites.
ii c0uldn't get t slp..
r0ttd in bed f0r wh0le 2h0urs bf0r s0me0ne c0rd; nic0le.
thanks ((:
but s0wii, din t0k t uu c0s he c0rd.
bleahs .. iim so huai ren><~
nermind ..
ii c0uldn't slp after hanging up with b0ii still.
finalli managed t fall aslp arnd 8+am baa ..
budden ii wakie at 11 =.-x
iim s0 angry laa ..
this is s0 stupid =.-x
ii d0nt wish t g0 into details..
ydae d 2h0urs ii t0t b0uts l0ads.
iim sad laa .
ii'v n0thing actuali ..ii dun0es h0w t sae,
mayb iim jux paran0id.
ugh; FUCKit.
ii w0nderd why ii c0uldn't get t slp.
why ii cant b n0nchalant ..
ii guess ii cared t0o much.
(: hurs.
ii dun0es isit a g0od thing ehh ..
w0ndering what's b0ii d0ing nd is he aslp ..
tynkg b0uts fwens stuff ..
ii t0t b0uts LOADs.tried n0t t tynk but t n0 avail.
mine mp3 din help ..
ii t0t b0uts b0ii being s0 cutes.
tellg me that ii'd pang seh him if ii have mine c0mics.
askg me which 0ne is m0re impt, c0mics 0r him?
askg me which 0ne w0nt die w/o, c0mics 0r him?.
s0 dumb but s0 cutes.
dumb; c0s there's n0 c0mparis0n.
uf c0sh he's far m0re impt.
cutes; haas (: jiu shi so ke ai f0r him t ask.
it's g0od t have his c0mpani0n everyn0ites.
ii swear* it's SO great.
iim hapii t hear his v0ice ..everything`
but 0n d 0ther hand, iim scared t l0se this.
ii w0nder if ever we din c0ntact, h0w will ii feel?
ii guess, LOST.
feel that s0mething is missing; ii'v l0st s0mething.
ii just s0 h0pe that dae ain't s0on.
he's far t0o impt .. (:
tdaes wakie le but ii c0uldn't g0 online.
so ii jux plaed mine mario ..
nd ii finali g0t c0mpleted w0rld 3.

h0ho! quite hapii baa ..
c0sh plaeing f0r quites l0ng le.
n0w iim in w0rld 4~!

but last stage ii died. =.-x

but ii g0t hi-sc0re laa ((:
hurs .
ii r0ttd at h0me agains; as usual.
watchg tv .. 0nline but idling c0s n0 one chattd with me .
iima pathetic gurl.
ii jux realise, mayb ii ain't impt at all baa .
happy is when uu feel l0ved,
but when uu'r sad; d hurt's d0uble.
it ain't great t care l0ads s0metyms.
0verly-paran0id sucks; makes uu pessimistic ..
mayb jux being n0nchalant s0metyms can b nice.
but d question is, h0w many can do that?
hurs (:
iim paran0id, 0verly. );
ydae ain't a g0od n0ites.
ii c0uldn't get t slp..
r0ttd in bed f0r wh0le 2h0urs bf0r s0me0ne c0rd; nic0le.
thanks ((:
but s0wii, din t0k t uu c0s he c0rd.
bleahs .. iim so huai ren><~
nermind ..
ii c0uldn't slp after hanging up with b0ii still.
finalli managed t fall aslp arnd 8+am baa ..
budden ii wakie at 11 =.-x
iim s0 angry laa ..
this is s0 stupid =.-x
ii d0nt wish t g0 into details..
ydae d 2h0urs ii t0t b0uts l0ads.
iim sad laa .
ii'v n0thing actuali ..ii dun0es h0w t sae,
mayb iim jux paran0id.
ugh; FUCKit.
ii w0nderd why ii c0uldn't get t slp.
why ii cant b n0nchalant ..
ii guess ii cared t0o much.
(: hurs.
ii dun0es isit a g0od thing ehh ..
w0ndering what's b0ii d0ing nd is he aslp ..
tynkg b0uts fwens stuff ..
ii t0t b0uts LOADs.tried n0t t tynk but t n0 avail.
mine mp3 din help ..
ii t0t b0uts b0ii being s0 cutes.
tellg me that ii'd pang seh him if ii have mine c0mics.
askg me which 0ne is m0re impt, c0mics 0r him?
askg me which 0ne w0nt die w/o, c0mics 0r him?.
s0 dumb but s0 cutes.
dumb; c0s there's n0 c0mparis0n.
uf c0sh he's far m0re impt.
cutes; haas (: jiu shi so ke ai f0r him t ask.
it's g0od t have his c0mpani0n everyn0ites.
ii swear* it's SO great.
iim hapii t hear his v0ice ..everything`
but 0n d 0ther hand, iim scared t l0se this.
ii w0nder if ever we din c0ntact, h0w will ii feel?
ii guess, LOST.
feel that s0mething is missing; ii'v l0st s0mething.
ii just s0 h0pe that dae ain't s0on.
he's far t0o impt .. (:
tdaes wakie le but ii c0uldn't g0 online.
so ii jux plaed mine mario ..
nd ii finali g0t c0mpleted w0rld 3.

h0ho! quite hapii baa ..
c0sh plaeing f0r quites l0ng le.
n0w iim in w0rld 4~!

but last stage ii died. =.-x

but ii g0t hi-sc0re laa ((:
hurs .
ii r0ttd at h0me agains; as usual.
watchg tv .. 0nline but idling c0s n0 one chattd with me .
iima pathetic gurl.
ii jux realise, mayb ii ain't impt at all baa .
happy is when uu feel l0ved,
but when uu'r sad; d hurt's d0uble.
it ain't great t care l0ads s0metyms.
0verly-paran0id sucks; makes uu pessimistic ..
mayb jux being n0nchalant s0metyms can b nice.
but d question is, h0w many can do that?
hurs (:
iim paran0id, 0verly. );
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