* ahh cho0o ~! *
im having flu + ii dun0e whie ii kip sneezing.
sh0 xin ku nehhs`
ydae alr s0re thr0at + bl0ckd n0se
then t0dae bcum flu n running n0se`
>_< tml stil nida w0rk.
but im alrites` c0shh ish wif chi0bu xDD
ruiishan- hehhs. her v0ice supa dupa sweets'
t0dae met up wif nic0le peii sandi n melda
was supp0sed ta mit at tpy at 2pm.
but mae n nic0le knew that peii + sandii's g0na b late,
sh0 we decided ta mit at tpy later 0urselves-
sh0 ii inf0rmd imelda b0ut da change uf tym,
mit9 at 2:1o c0shh they'r g0na b lates.
sh0 met nic0le n imelda at tpy.
thenn we went m0s burger-
sat d0wn n waitd f0r sandii + peii ta arrive.
sandii arrived ferst ~we crappz arndd-
then waitd f0r peii til arndd 2+ nearing 3.
jux a few mins ta 3` then we b0ught m0s burger ta eat ~
niice nicee w0rs ^-^v
after eating we pr0ceeded t0 0rchardd.
t0 b exact, heerens`
g0 mit nic0le's bf (Jz).
ferst thingy went ta take ne0prints-
dun0es whie imelda d0nt wana j0in in man s=
sh0 ishh mae, nic0le, peii and sandii ^-^x
later wil upl0ad da pic ~
n as0 da ne0print ii t0ok wif f0n9x xDD`
after taking ne0prints vehh sians ..
peii wantd ta g0o far east`
sh0 we went -
thenn at there jux w0kd arndd ~
decided ta g0 plaza sing.
c0shh mae n sandii lyk wana g0 kb0x,
peii's temptd xDD
imelda sae she d0wan g0 plaza sing`
ii tynk it's c0shh we saidd lyk,
we wana g0 kb0x n stuffs?
sh0 we went ta plaza sing ~
imelda went h0me.
when we reachd there`
we visitd jiafeii then pr0ceeded ta p.0.a-
c0shh nic0le sae she wana sh0pp f0r cl0thes.
thenn after that ii askd nic0le g0 eat,
c0shh she ahh ..nehh eat x=
sh0 let Jz n c0mpany acc0mpany niic0le ta eat
eat l0ng j0hn.
mae peii n sandii went t0 carref0ur ta findd nichh`
ii b0ught da lime-mint flav0ur ment0s ii always b0ught
jux ta t0k ta him ..
after that went ta pet sh0pp`
sandii wana buy f0od stuffs f0r her chinchilla ..?
s0wii dun0es haw ta spell nehh`- hehhs.
despite being sick, ii stil vehh enthu f0r kb0x.
hehhs xDD ~
after nic0le had her meal we al went ta kb0x.
at paradiz centre-
mae peii nic0le sandii 0ne r0om`
c0shh even num betta ^-^x
we t0ok student package. $17.5o per pers0n-
sang til ..1o pm c=
p0or niic0le + peii ..
they criedd when we were singing gui ji.
then lyk vehh d0rts`
mae n sandii dun0e wana eject o0r kip singing-
we decided t0 kip singing c0shh ii n0e peii lyk d s0n9x
then lyk c le vehh heart pain lehhs.
after da s0n9 ii went ta sit bside nic0le ta lyk pat her-
sae d0nt crie le n stuffs.
c her crie ii as0 felt lyk crying n0rs*
sh0 p0or thing n0rs`
then triedd ta bl0ck d0nt let Jz c narhhs-
later he w0rrie ..
budden later he saw` n he's vehh nice.
g0 c0ns0le her n stuffs ((:
ner askie her muchie -
when kb0x g0na endd ..
f0n9x + ian came 0ver`
then went h0me.
nic0le left wif Jz n c0mpany-
mae peii sandii f0n9x ian w0kd t0 plaza sing d directi0n
c0shh im mit9 jiafeii ta g0 h0me c=
but they 0nli sendd mae til ..
arndd da l0ng j0hn there n0rs*
met jiafeii n went h0me- c=
n0ticed that these few daes ..
ii alm0st everynyte as0 chatt 0n f0ne wif him-
he's always vehh sweet n stuffs n0rs*
t0o sweet nia0s-
ii tel mua fwens they al sae him supa sweet talker.
ii tynk sh0 t0os`
d0nt n0e he use these meth0ds 0n haw many gerls-
la0 tian ? ben xia0 haii ?
haa ~vehh cutes c=
nxt tym if mua fwens sing 'ben xia0 hai'
..ii sure wil tynk uf him`
ii admit ii y0u dian xi huan ta ..
n ii c0nfessd ta him-
but ii dun0es wart r we ~
lyk, fwens` yahh.
im feel9 sh0 dnia0s uu c -
sh0 warts if ii lyk him s=
ii feel t0o inferi0r muaself ta mit him n0rs*
he sh0 many chi0 bu fwens.
n0rt chi0 aso supa cutes lahh ..
im jux a ...sighh-
d0nt wana c0ndemn muaself c=
ferget it. sh0 al in al ~
sh0 wart if ii lyk him o0r l0ve him l0adx?
s= ii dun0es ..
ii was t0ldd he fractured his leg t0dae.
vehh sadded f0r him bahhs-
ii always wudn't n0e wart ta sae ta him d ..
lyk c0ns0le d stuffs ? s=
im badd at it, ii admit- s0wii.
kinda seri0us ii guess`
l0ng st0ry b0ut da hist0ry uf his injured leg,
sh0 ii shall n0rt sae muchie.
jux that he nids ta g0 theraphy f0r a year
+ xray every week?
then lyk ii was saeing if can get betta, whie n0rts?
then he said lyk he d0nt wana g0o ~
ii was lyk ..whie?
then he saidd c0shh mafan-
cant even run f0r that 0ne year,
n0rt t0 menti0n bball.
ii felt sh0 supa d0rts*
uu can plae bball anitym d n0rs`
haii ..n was tynk9,
fine. im n0rt ani0ne ta him-
n0 right ta askie him d0 warts ii tynk. s=
but seri0usly simply h0pe he g0 f0r theraphy n0rs.
c0shh ii str0ngly feel that after he gets betta,
plaeing bball again's n0rt a pr0bby.
hmms, alritey- shall n0rt sae muchie le`
im sh0 tiired- shall endd mua blog9y p0st.
chatt awhile m0re g0 slpp nia0s*
n0ites all ~~ pyepye!