Sunday, February 27, 2005

``___l0ve mae, d0nt hurt mae * [ x ]- here blogging
w0rry9 b0ut mua results that`l b released tml.
mua mum`s lecturing mua y0unger br0
f0r n0rt want9 ta d0 his hmwrk.
dnia0s* im scaredd ..
im sh0 sh0 unsure uf muaself ~
sighh ..wart`l happen tml

>_< im scaredd ..
* g0dd pls helpp * s=
went ta pray t0dae, at bugis-
ii n0e this s0undds dumbb.
but stil' warteva.

alritey ~let`s n0rt t0k b0ut this.
nuttin muchie happend t0dae-
sh0 guess nuttin muchh f0r mae ta bl0g9 b0uts.

naw mua ap0l0gy t0 d guy ; sky.
knew that uu d0nt lyk mae f0r mua tynk9x.
..that uu use ur sweet meth0ds 0n 0ther gerls.
sincee uu clarified-
there`s n0 reas0n f0r mae n0rt ta believe bahhs.
thanxie f0r being h0nest wif mae`
seri0usly n sincerely,
im s0wii
mux accept w0 d ap0l0gy. c=
s= kinda dumbb,
jux realised ii lyk kip ap0l0gising ta uu
~l0ls. ( s0wii jux felt lyk luff9 x= )
hmms ~ii cant predict wart`l happenn in d near future
let`s jux let fate decide ((:
ii seri0usly greatly appreciate wart uu`v d0ne.
thanks* -huggie.
u`r s0me0ne wh0m ii neh regret kn0wing c=
mux takkaires uf urself well ~
..ta entertain mae ^-^x hehhs.

tml jiafeii n sandii wil c0me mua hse ferst-
spray 0ur hair black ..
then pr0ceed ta sk0ol`
after getting results,
g0ing h0me bathe n all le-
then mit nic0le.
c= w0nder wart`l 0ur feel9x b.
al da best guys'
esp mua jiemeiis. peii sandi f0n9x jiafeii manda

shall endd mua p0st,
anithing m0re- will add laters.
((: haf a g0od n0ite rest all ~
g0odie luck t0 al th0se hu`l b getting results tml !

alrites alrites-
ii rem0ved mua bloggy d backgr0undd s0n9x.
c0shh t0 mae it's kinda irritatin9`
hehhs ~
wantd ta use an0ther s0n9x d ..
but sadly adelx d0nt n0e haw-
sh0 let's leave it f0r da tym being.

naw it's ..1am sharpp- 27feb.
appr0ximately 37h0urs t0 28th febb ..2pm-
w0ws, da vehh dae ;
..0ur judgement dae ~
ii seri0usly h0pe ii wil d0 well`
if n0rt even well ..
at least lemme g0 int0 a p0ly. SP
business c0urse wil b best-
let`s pray *
f0r mae n every0ne else getting results.
g0odie luck ! ^-^V

tml g0ing temple wif mumm ta pray.
o_o sum kinda 'ling shi ba0 fu0 jia0' ?
yeahh ..but at least iim g0ing ~

hmms`- m sh0 sickk ~
flu + running n0se getting w0rst ii tynk.
s= w0rk t0dae was ..nice !
uf c0shh rytes ~wif chi0bu xDD
ruiishan -*wheets !
t0dae`s n0rt as sian as last tym whenn ii w0rkd at parag0n-
c0shh t0dae`s sales was quite g0odd.

ii saw a CG (cutesguy)
when serving pep0 in 0ur sh0pp t0daes`
he`s in SEEDS da sh0pp,
wif his gf ii supp0se-
ii askie ruishan ishh he cutes guy.
she agreed ! muahahas ..
his hair n0rt vehh nice-
if bcum spike sure shuai dai le ! x=
l0ls- im madded xDD

after w0rk ..ii w0kd fr0m
parag0n ta plaza sing-
l0ng w0k man ~ x_x was al l0nely`
met jiafeii thenn pr0ceeded baq h0me`
nuttin' vehh nice / special happend t0dae.
sh0 t0dae`s p0st will b -s h 0 r t-

o0h yahhs,
ydae when we w0kd ta paradiz centre d tym
g0t a c0uple quarrelling ..
f0r ur inf0- it`s EX c0uple ~
da gerl w0kd in fr0nt, da guy at d backies.
da gerl jux scream n sh0ut + sc0ldd d guy
hu`s w0k9 behindd + f0ll0w9 d gerl ~
w0rst, he's carrying her bagg s=
dnia0s man ~ware's da dignity.
ii was lyk saeing` if im d guy ii sure thr0w da bag n b g0ne-
niic0le was lyk ~0pen d bin, thr0w d bag in -w0k awae.
l0ls- we hi-5 f0r 0ur same tynk9s x=
w0rst uf d w0rst ~
since da gerl was screaming ..
it attractd muchh attenti0n when they were
passing a busst0p ..
alm0st al uf d pep0 there were l0ok9`
then da gerl jux sh0utd ~ ( in chii )
" NEHH C PEPO QUARREL BFOR AHHS ! @#%&^*(censored) "
s= mae n sandii was lyk ..WTF?
it was she hu sh0utd that attractd attenti0n,
n she`s sc0ld9 th0se inn0cent + kp0 pep0s
at d bus st0p hu`s curi0us uf wart`s happenn9 ..
then ii said smth lyk,
" ii feel lyk g0ing 0ver n slapp her man. "
same f0r sandi ~l0ls' we`v same tynk9s.
da gerl's t0o kp.
t0o muchh f0r us to take-
seri0usly, da gerl`s kinda 0verly EX ~
`appearance + attitude`
guess d guy ishh n0 gerls wann-
b0 bian stick t0 d gerl man.
al in al ~wart a scene ..l0ls x=

alriites` that's al f0r st0riee -
let`s rest m0re t0dae.
since p0or adel's stil sick0-
nitey n0ites all ..
* ahh ch0o ~! *
pyepye -

- adel` nic0le` peii` sandi -

f0n9x` adelx`

adelx` f0n9x

Saturday, February 26, 2005

- adel` nic0le` pei` sandi -

=c adel's siick ! (._.")

* ahh cho0o ~! *
im having flu + ii dun0e whie ii kip sneezing.
sh0 xin ku nehhs`
ydae alr s0re thr0at + bl0ckd n0se
then t0dae bcum flu n running n0se`
>_< tml stil nida w0rk.
but im alrites` c0shh ish wif chi0bu xDD
ruiishan- hehhs. her v0ice supa dupa sweets'

t0dae met up wif nic0le peii sandi n melda
was supp0sed ta mit at tpy at 2pm.
but mae n nic0le knew that peii + sandii's g0na b late,
sh0 we decided ta mit at tpy later 0urselves-
sh0 ii inf0rmd imelda b0ut da change uf tym,
mit9 at 2:1o c0shh they'r g0na b lates.

sh0 met nic0le n imelda at tpy.
thenn we went m0s burger-
sat d0wn n waitd f0r sandii + peii ta arrive.
sandii arrived ferst ~we crappz arndd-
then waitd f0r peii til arndd 2+ nearing 3.
jux a few mins ta 3` then we b0ught m0s burger ta eat ~
niice nicee w0rs ^-^v

after eating we pr0ceeded t0 0rchardd.
t0 b exact, heerens`
g0 mit nic0le's bf (Jz).
ferst thingy went ta take ne0prints-
dun0es whie imelda d0nt wana j0in in man s=
sh0 ishh mae, nic0le, peii and sandii ^-^x
later wil upl0ad da pic ~
n as0 da ne0print ii t0ok wif f0n9x xDD`

after taking ne0prints vehh sians ..
peii wantd ta g0o far east`
sh0 we went -
thenn at there jux w0kd arndd ~
decided ta g0 plaza sing.
c0shh mae n sandii lyk wana g0 kb0x,
peii's temptd xDD

imelda sae she d0wan g0 plaza sing`
ii tynk it's c0shh we saidd lyk,
we wana g0 kb0x n stuffs?
sh0 we went ta plaza sing ~
imelda went h0me.
when we reachd there`
we visitd jiafeii then pr0ceeded ta p.0.a-
c0shh nic0le sae she wana sh0pp f0r cl0thes.
thenn after that ii askd nic0le g0 eat,
c0shh she ahh ..nehh eat x=
sh0 let Jz n c0mpany acc0mpany niic0le ta eat
eat l0ng j0hn.
mae peii n sandii went t0 carref0ur ta findd nichh`
ii b0ught da lime-mint flav0ur ment0s ii always b0ught
jux ta t0k ta him ..
after that went ta pet sh0pp`
sandii wana buy f0od stuffs f0r her chinchilla ..?
s0wii dun0es haw ta spell nehh`- hehhs.

despite being sick, ii stil vehh enthu f0r kb0x.
hehhs xDD ~
after nic0le had her meal we al went ta kb0x.
at paradiz centre-
mae peii nic0le sandii 0ne r0om`
c0shh even num betta ^-^x
we t0ok student package. $17.5o per pers0n-
sang til ..1o pm c=

p0or niic0le + peii ..
they criedd when we were singing gui ji.
then lyk vehh d0rts`
mae n sandii dun0e wana eject o0r kip singing-
we decided t0 kip singing c0shh ii n0e peii lyk d s0n9x
then lyk c le vehh heart pain lehhs.
after da s0n9 ii went ta sit bside nic0le ta lyk pat her-
sae d0nt crie le n stuffs.
c her crie ii as0 felt lyk crying n0rs*
sh0 p0or thing n0rs`
then triedd ta bl0ck d0nt let Jz c narhhs-
later he w0rrie ..
budden later he saw` n he's vehh nice.
g0 c0ns0le her n stuffs ((:
ner askie her muchie -

when kb0x g0na endd ..
f0n9x + ian came 0ver`
then went h0me.
nic0le left wif Jz n c0mpany-
mae peii sandii f0n9x ian w0kd t0 plaza sing d directi0n
c0shh im mit9 jiafeii ta g0 h0me c=
but they 0nli sendd mae til ..
arndd da l0ng j0hn there n0rs*
met jiafeii n went h0me- c=

n0ticed that these few daes ..
ii alm0st everynyte as0 chatt 0n f0ne wif him-
he's always vehh sweet n stuffs n0rs*
t0o sweet nia0s-
ii tel mua fwens they al sae him supa sweet talker.
ii tynk sh0 t0os`
d0nt n0e he use these meth0ds 0n haw many gerls-
la0 tian ? ben xia0 haii ?
haa ~vehh cutes c=
nxt tym if mua fwens sing 'ben xia0 hai'
..ii sure wil tynk uf him`

ii admit ii y0u dian xi huan ta ..
n ii c0nfessd ta him-
but ii dun0es wart r we ~
lyk, fwens` yahh.
im feel9 sh0 dnia0s uu c -
sh0 warts if ii lyk him s=
ii feel t0o inferi0r muaself ta mit him n0rs*
he sh0 many chi0 bu fwens.
n0rt chi0 aso supa cutes lahh ..
im jux a ...sighh-
d0nt wana c0ndemn muaself c=
ferget it. sh0 al in al ~
sh0 wart if ii lyk him o0r l0ve him l0adx?
s= ii dun0es ..

ii was t0ldd he fractured his leg t0dae.
vehh sadded f0r him bahhs-
ii always wudn't n0e wart ta sae ta him d ..
lyk c0ns0le d stuffs ? s=
im badd at it, ii admit- s0wii.
kinda seri0us ii guess`
l0ng st0ry b0ut da hist0ry uf his injured leg,
sh0 ii shall n0rt sae muchie.
jux that he nids ta g0 theraphy f0r a year
+ xray every week?
then lyk ii was saeing if can get betta, whie n0rts?
then he said lyk he d0nt wana g0o ~
ii was lyk ..whie?
then he saidd c0shh mafan-
cant even run f0r that 0ne year,
n0rt t0 menti0n bball.
ii felt sh0 supa d0rts*
uu can plae bball anitym d n0rs`
haii ..n was tynk9,
fine. im n0rt ani0ne ta him-
n0 right ta askie him d0 warts ii tynk. s=
but seri0usly simply h0pe he g0 f0r theraphy n0rs.
c0shh ii str0ngly feel that after he gets betta,
plaeing bball again's n0rt a pr0bby.
hmms, alritey- shall n0rt sae muchie le`

im sh0 tiired- shall endd mua blog9y p0st.
chatt awhile m0re g0 slpp nia0s*
n0ites all ~~ pyepye!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

wee !! ii jux returnd h0me fr0m splend0urs.
da bandd perf0rmance was vehh niice-
alvin sh0 c0ol ~ xDD !
then thay gave 0ut light sticks.
ii g0t pink + blue ..then ii wantd yell0w 0ne-
then am0s gave mae! thnks w0rs ((:
l0ve it n0rs ..supa cutes nehh`
hees ..

bf0r g0ing splend0urs,
ii went ta highlight mua hair ..agains
actuali wantd to hav a base uf red + bl0nde-
budden mua hair cant abs0rb da c0l0ur.
sh0 ii bleachh mua hair 0nli n0rs* th0se highlight-
sh0 naw g0t abit br0wnishh ..
that tym d red as0 c0me 0ut le ~
then abit uf bl0nde here n there-
ii lyk nehhs xDD

then ii finishd mua hair thingy,
arnd 3+++pm marhs ..
was lyk t0o earli t0 mit jf n shin kiat-
decidedd ii wana g0 tpy interchange`
d t0ilet n c mua hair
then g0 h0me n slack n0rs*
hu n0es 0n da wae ii saw f0n9x.
thenn she sae she buying heels,
sh0 ii acc0mpany her n0rs`
thenn she sae she mit9 alex + ian ..
ii was lyk,
0kies` ii g0 h0me n slack after she b0ught her heels.
but was t0ldd ian + alex d0wan
acc0mpany her g0 far east-
sh0 ii saidd ii acc0mpany her n0rs*
since ii g0t nuttin' ta d0o.
ii was j0king saeing let's take ne0print
-when she dep0siting m0ney,
then she lyk, 0kies. take ne0prints` l0lx.

went far east ~ferst thin9 g0 takie ne0prints nia0s.
then w0kd arndd ..met nic0le n her bf(Jz)
haa` they vehh cutes nehh-
nic0le can t0k t0 him n l0ok at him til sh0 ..
sh0 engr0ssd in their t0pic til-
when we'r jux bside them ~
they cant sense 0ur presence.
l0ls? we refers to mae n f0n9x.
then we went t0 da undergr0und d burger king,
sat d0wn n crapps. l0ls-
waitd f0r peii f0r sh0 l0ng nehhs`
then she sae she'l b at s-11. 0rchard pnt there-
n sh0 we went ..ate n chattd'
peii lyk vehh enthu d ~kip t0k9 + ask9 da guy qn.
l0ls` ii stil rmbr 0ur mark9 list f0r nic0le's bf-
hehhs xDD then after eatin9 it was lyk ..7:1o'
d0ts! we'r supp0sed ta reach vict0ria c0ncert hall arnd 7:15 or 7:2o
sh0 mae peii n dee t0ok taxii`
rushhd there ~
* phew * we'r n0rt late xDD

after da thingy saw ms c0n9,
she wearing 0ur class tee !
~finali man :DD kekes ..
thenn saw abraham-
he vehh suhaiis t0dae w0rs*
everidae as0 shuaii narhs- t0dae esp shuaii ~
l0ls x= mua didi lehhs` uf c0shh !
haa ~jkjk. n0rt sh0 bhb xDD
saidd hi n t0kd ta him awhile n0rs-
then after that went h0me wif jiafeii n guisheng.

at there ii saw akarad, j0rii,
kamyew, kian h0n9, al0ts al0tz. bcum shuaii nia0s*
plus ii miss mua tyms in sk0ol
; when we always plae arnd~
hehhs ..that's b0ut al n0rs`

tml mit9 nic0le agains nehh !
mux takie ne0prints wif her xDD
kakas- o0h yahhs- t0dae bf0r left hse.
she t0ldd mae b0ut her fwen, twinnie (lisa)
was crie-ing. n nic0le was 0n webcam wif her.
ii n0e that kinda feel9, c ur fwen crie-
but uu can d0 nuttin' s=
hart pain mans ~feel lyk fly 0ver n c0ns0le
+ lendd her sh0ulder t0 crie 0n.
then she cut herself f0r d guy man.
sh0 stupidd rytes- ii did that bf0r`
cut mua wrist wif penknife' 15 cuts s=
ii wil luff at muaself d
~whie last tym mae sh0 dumbb.
budden ii did that bf0r`
naw ii wun d0 it agains le xDD
learn ~learn fr0m mua mistakes n0rs` hehhs.

it's c0nfirmd that 28th,
which ishh on a m0n.
we'r getting back 0ur 'o' lvls results.
im kinda scaredd man-
pls pls pls ~ lemme hav lyk, 16 f0r l1r4.
least lemme get int0 business + acc0unt9 d c0urse in SP-
seri0usly scaredd ii'l d0 badly ..sighh s=

alritey narhhs tiired x_x
mux g0 uffline s0on le nehhs`
n0ites every0ne ^-^
ca0caos ~
:: blogging for 23rd febb ::

wee ! im on f0ne wif huaii ren ..x=
haa` alritey, ha0 ren kkaes.
sian siann o_o ~he making his bluet0oth thingy, sh0 neh t0k-
im singing ..duan le d xuan~ JAY ! xDD
haa ..supa lame`

t0dae w0rkie wif xia0huii ..
she darn ke aii d ! vehh crappy + cutes.
vehh natural d gerl n0rs ^-^v
she vehh cutes-
we g0t 0ur 'zha0 pai d0n9 zu0' ..
l0ls- " this ishh sandals " .. " this ishh slippers " n sh0 0n.
0nli mae xia0huii n jf n0e
haa ~ xDD lameo us.
t0dae kinda fun dae bahhs ..
n0rt lyk that tym w0rkie wif j0yce-
S I A N S . M A N ! l0ls x=
ii shall st0pp being lame ..kekes-

then after w0rk g0 p.s findd jiafeii-
helpp her d0 abit uf st0ck then help her d0 settlement + cl0se sh0pp.
l0ls` when it's mine turn ta cl0se sh0pp ii feel sians,
but when it's 0thers d turn,
ii feel vehh hapii ta helpp ..l0ls ^-^V
im weird, hu cares ~haa.

then hadd dinner wif jiafeii-
`ate l0ng j0hn x_x
0n da wae h0me ..take bus 238 o_o
saw y0ng cheng ..agains!
s= haa ..vehh qia0s'
warteva, cant b b0thered-
x= l0ls.

tml's splend0urs. lyk at vict0ria c0ncert hall-
ii g0ing wif jiafeii shinkiat peii manda ..?
ii guess sh0`
ii tynk bf0r that ii g0na dye mua hair ~
..c0shh ii cant wait !
haa ~ima impatient gerl ..xDD
``blehhs- alriteys. endd bl0g9y ~
tatas (-^ ^-)/

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

:: blogging for 22nd febb ::

nah nahhs.. ii lied ii lied`
hu cares? haa ..ii jux d0wan ta endd w0rk late xDD
s0wii janice ~hees.
t0dae w0rk d tym past sh0 fast w0rs*
sh0 nice man. budden in d m0rn when wakie was sh0 freak9 tiired- felt lyk g0ing baq ta slpp x=
hehhs ..budden hafta 0pen sh0pp narhs`
can0t b irresp0nsible x_x

when ii reachd h0me then ii realise ii ferg0t ta c0ntact nich!
im supp0sed ta haf dinner wif him z_z
ii ferg0t ta c0r him ..g0shh*
sh0 d0ts ryte- jux felt lyk rush9 h0me after w0rk.
sh0 ..ii ferg0t` s0wii nich ! hehhs'

nawadaes vehh sians nehh ..
nuttin muchie ta d0 d ~
haw haw ? s= blehhs`
heard fr0m l0tsa pep0 it's lyk 25 0r 28th get results-
dia0s ~can c0nfirm? if n0rt every0ne asking ar0und sh0 luan manns.
* h0pe ii d0nt flunk *
* h0pe ii can get l0w nuff to get into business c0urse in SP *
xDD --prays.*

tml stil g0t w0rk w0rs*
ii t0t ish wif da supervis0r ( j0yce ) ~
actuali wif xia0huii ..
shudd b funn`
jiafeii sae suntec l0tsa shuaii ge
ii shud g0 n c f0r muaself tml.
haas* then mux helpp jiafeii buy her bag in 0ur sh0pp-

24th mux g0 splend0urs man.
that dumbb bf uf manda's.
last min manda then tel w0 he can0rt g0,
then uf c0shh p0or mae hafta g0 narhhs`
>_< hehhs- heyys im kip9 this bloggy p0st as l0ng as p0ssible.
if n0rt 's0me0ne' readd sh0rt sh0rt later sae w0 nehhs x=
haa~ jk narhhs ^-^x

mua bloggie g0t change rytes?
lyk haf mua piics ..hehhes xD
it's wif da helpp uf nic0le then ii got it done d ! xDD
thnks da jie ! --mwahhs* huggie ~
nice nice rytes ~budden tynk mua pic sucks ..c0sh it's mae marhhs .
haa XB alritey narhs- g0tta findd stuffs f0r mua c0lleague nia0s*
cia0s~ '(x(oO)x)' piggy mae.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

:: bl0g9ing f0r 21st febb ::

w0ws, ii jux g0t h0me mans.
lyk fr0m kb0x- hehhs`
was supp0sed ta mit jiafeii f0r dinner but ii neh s=
alrites. went kb0x wif a weirdd c0mbi-
me, f0n9x, peii, eli, kaiisheng,
weiming, khar keat n wenyuan x_x
weirdd c0mbi bahhs !
l0ls, at ferst was vehh weirdd narhs`
c0shh ii n0rt cl0se wif khar keat + weiimin9.
budden after that alrites nia0s*
((: kinda funn- then went baq h0me`
t0ok taxii ..wif khar keat + f0n9x..
c0shh at stay at tpy marhs-

c0rd him when ii was at kb0x o_o
vehh sians marh` duhh, he din entertain w0-
he seems busii n0rs* sh0 ii d0nt disturbb, g0 baq sin9.
when he sae bye lyk vehh sweet- haa*
seri0us, but feel lyk luff9 x=
hehhs`- n ii realised !
that's da ferst tym ii put d0wn da f0ne ferst.
l0ls, alritey- ii n0e it's lame xDD

there's w0rk tml man ..
suckd n0rs*
darn fd upp d-
mua partner d0wan ta cl0se sh0pp,
wan mae w0rk full shift.
haiis` sh0 unfair. =c
11am - 9:30 ..ii n0e ii part tym'
~earn l0ts but ii d0nt lyk ta w0rk d.
>_< suan le ..sae sh0 muchie as0 n0 use d-

shall g0 uff earli n restt ~
cia0s* takkaires all. ((:

Sunday, February 20, 2005


sianss ..ii g0tta n0e im n0rt full tym-
im part tym ler ^-^
hapii n0rs* c0shh it t0tali suckd ta w0rk everydae.
t0dae d0 settlement lyk shyt nehhs !
c0shh da paper kipp stuck. then ii gan jiong then g0t papercut-_-
lame n0rs~ darnns.


..g0d- wart shudd ii d0`
=c haiis ~everything's sh0 wr0ng.
ferget it. jux treat it that adel's being dumbb 0nce agains'

ii'v g0t a few wishhes -
* mua results can enable mae ta get into business + acc0unt9 c0urse in SP *
* dye mua hair red + highlight bl0nde after getting results *
* everything g0es sm0othly f0r mae *
* get mua pay n buy 761o. o0r ..da one that l0oks similar *
* buy mp3 player, guess ishh- creative d. *
* haf s0me0ne ta l0ve + d0te 0n mae *
* n0 m0re false h0pes in l0ve anim0re *

wishhes ~as it ishh.. n0rt al wil c0me true.
lyfe's n0rt sho nicee. c=
lemme learn ta n0rt lyk s0me0ne-
ii shall learn ta f0rget mua feel9x f0r him
let's b fwens ((: then ii shall wishh uu al da best.
im n0rt g0na fight f0r mua l0ve anim0re-
c0shh it's a l0sing battle.
actuali ii shud'v kn0wn fr0m da start.
jux that ii realise t0o late c=

tml n0 w0rk nia0s* ~
23rd then start w0rk agains ..
n0ites al. ca0caos~

Saturday, February 19, 2005

wee ~n0ticed mua previ0us posts
al d0nt hav bl0g9y title?
if uu din, nermind-
actuali it d0esn't matter ~haas.
jux that ii dun0es wart title ta put narhs,
lazy ta tynk x=
xDD hees ..t0dae mua turn ta 'kai dian' agains w0rr-
ii reachd da sh0p earli mans !
was supp0sed ta reach at 1o:45
..ii reachd at 1o:4o x= haa ~
'kai dian' alr then ii close sh0pp agains
go carref0ur buy things,
which actuali im n0rt supp0sed t0 but ii did it o_o
haa ~then 'kaii dian' again-
ii n0e it s0undds dumbb ..
hmms`- ssadded n0rs*
guess wart ii had f0r mua breakfast ?

haiis ~

..'s kit kat n0rs !
sadded rytes -dia0s* >_<
0kies warteva ~hurr-
din eat lunchh n dinner as0`

im actuali supp0sed ta leave sh0pp at 8pm,
mit jf f0r dinner o0r smth-
but that darn j0yce o_o
t0ldd jf wkendds mux w0rk til 9:3opm
darn man~ then ii hafta wait f0r her-
we cant hav dinner ..n hafta g0 baq h0me x_x

nichh came ta crapps wif mae ..
then saw laura ( turn uff man x_x )
and rebecca ( chio-ster ^-^x )
junjie, shuii xian, lingx n all ~
((: nicee ..

0kiess ~let's t0k b0ut this t0piic ..
" dahh 0ne uu l0ve ..n dahh 0ne hu l0ves uu "

whichh wil uu ch0ose?

ii always t0t ta ch0ose dahh 0ne ii l0ve.
c0shh ta pursue mua l0ve.
but n0pps- mayb im wr0n9-
dahh 0ne ii l0ve tendds ta b da 0ne
hu hurts mae da m0st,
whereas dahh 0ne hu l0ves mae wun hurtt mae ..

but mayb if im a guy,
i'll ch0ose dahh 0ne ii l0ve ((:
hehhs- diff pep0 diff tynk9s bahh ~
nahhs, lame t0piic`let's skipp this.

always at plaza sing w0rkie that tym c l0tsa c0uples-
sumtyms will feel vehh gan kaii d w0rs*
lyk ~o_o sighh-
a guy ta sendd mae h0me everydae wil b nice n0rs`
((: jux being madded agains, alrites-
shall endd mua blog9y p0st.
todae's mua uff dae man ~
* e x c i t e d *
xD haa ~s0undds sh0 shuang rytes,
but wth- ii slackd at h0me da wh0le dae
practically slept al da wae ..
sho dumbb rytes`
aniwae, yeahh ~was a sian-ded dae o_o

slept at 5am ..awakie at 12pm
x_x lack uf S L E E P ..
janice c0rd mae sh0 many tyms,
g0t l0tsa sms ~arghh- disturb mua slp man.
okies that's bsides da p0int ..
then got chat wif nicole nors-
she on her webcam lemme c her dressing t0dae`
hehhs, c0shh gona mit her bf marhs..
gan jiong spider ..sho cutes xD

then was online al da while ...
then S L E E P~
til 9+ man
ii din realise ..sh0 piggz-

tml w0rkie le =c
siighh ..naw n0rt in da m0od ta bl09gy muchh man-
darn it stupid msn's making mae madd man !
fd upp =.-x ii cant reply ..
it kip sh0w9 ..
" The following message could not be delivered to all recipients: "
lyk ..ii kipp type for dunoe haw many thousand tyms l0hh
supa irritating, make mae sh0 pek chek man.

haiis, no m0od le-
endd uf blogggg.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

ii dun0e wart title ta put, sh0 ii shall leave it BLANK.
let's start wif t0dae's bloggy p0st.
sigh ! can this t0rture jux STOP?
haiis-ii c0nsidered ur ..giv me upp`
but whie ishh that when an0ther guy goes into da picture,
ii feel u'r lyk, jeal0us o0r angry?
im n0rt saeing uu lyk mae that's whie uu jeal0us- c0sh ii dun0e haw uu feel.
ii dunn0e whie uu lyk, attitude w0-_-

everything seems ta change after uu return fr0m japp,
but onli 0ne single thing remaind`
ur blog p0st's al b0ut sheena.
sheena, agains- sh0 wart m ii supp0sed ta d0?
ii seri0usly wana wait f0r uu-
but ..n0 h0pe? uu'r sh0 al b0ut sheena.
ii tried ta giv that guy a chance`
but ii guess it's t0 n0 avail.
we can onli b fwens -n n0 m0re'
c0shh ii wun mit him`
that's 0ne fact0r but n0rt da maj0r fact0r-

gees, darn im always being c0rd da flirt 0ne ii guess.
ii n0e uu feel that im 0ne ler`
ii cant change this tynk9 uf urs.
g0sh` uu said ur jeal0usy level highh ..
uu wun b wif mae c0sh uu n0e ii al0t uf guy fwens-
but darn, if we r reali p0ssible`
im willing ta n0rt get 0ut wif th0se guys fwens n0rs*
seri0usly, ii n0e that's zh0ng se qing y0u uf mae. but, yahhs.
haii ..

mayb im d huaii ren -n n0rt uu`
im da 0ne hu's being fickle mindeddd-
but uu being al b0ut sheena made mae sh0 blur uf everything.
uu din sae uu lyk mae ..lyk, yahs?
askie mae giv uu upp- but ..sigh'
im jux repeating muaself.

ii d0nt even n0e wart uu wan n wart's expectd uf mae ..
uu'v neva giv mae an ans f0r these-
sh0 m ii supp0sed ta wait ..lyk, wait f0r uu til uu accept mae?
after uu get 0ver sheena which ii predict uu wun n even if uu wil,
haw many years? haiis-
g0d damn im jux a badd gerl.

sky ii 0we uu l0ts-
that's wart ii feel.
ii n0e uu sae we'r fwens al al0ng`
n ii n0e it t0o.
but darn, ii stil feel ii 0we uu l0ts.
thnks fer being sh0 sweet n sh0 nice-
but ii guess ii d0nt wana b unfair ta uu'
im being sh0 indecisive.
haiis` s 0 w i i .

n t0 sebb, ii lyk uu n ii stil d0- believe it o0r n0rt it's upp ta uu.
ii d0nt wana b c0rd as last tym d thingy, flirt.
mayb ii m- but wtf? every0ne n0es im jux every guy's buddy.
sh0 warteva uu tynk`

tml N O W O R K !
muahahhahas supp0sed ta g0 kb0x wif him-
y e a h s, kb0x*
mayb ii shudd askie him agains as f0n9x + nic0le saes.
shall c bahhs, ii want but- ii dun0e wart he tynks.

endd blo9g le .......
- h a i i s * -

.l0st uf F R E E D O M.

wart's wiff sebb`
feel9 sh0 l0st when he suddenli sh0 c0ldd t0wards mae.
lyk, aren't we bestest fwens?
o0r mayb we aren't ..n weren't-
after ii met him, ii neh c him hapii bf0r'
lyk, yahhs. sheena sheena n sheena agains-
wart's wif her ~sighh.
ferget it- im in n0 p0siti0n ta sae anithing ler..

ii jux simply hate w0rk ..
after deciding g0na shift ta full tym-
ii simple haf n0 freed0m`
- N O * F R E E D O M -
work w0rk n work ..
ii d0nt wann everydae g0 h0me slpp,
wakie upp = w0rkk-
ii d0nt wann. NO LYFE`
o0r mayb ii shud c0nsider n0rt w0rk9x full tym.
but ii n0e it's n0rt p0ssible-

haiis` ii jux wan s0me0ne ta t0k ta mae 0n f0ne everynyte bf0r ii slpp.
nice chatt ..n make mua nyte nicer-
that's all' im n0rt asking f0r muchie thingy~
but it seems sh0 ..0ut uf reach f0r mae.
whie? =c hais ..
endding mua bl09gy p0st lerr`

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

freak9 tiiredd ..

>_< 0m9.. slept at 3:30 w0ke up at 9:30 ~
6 h0urs ! x_x sighh sh0 supa tiired.
guess everynyte i'b b bl0g9ing b0ut mae being sh0 sho sh0 darn tiired
o_o but ish c0sh ii reali m !
w0rk ishh sh0 sians + tired ..
tml w0rk9 wif fang ru ~
mux 'kai dian' -_-g0 ta sh0pp at 1o.45
then fang ru wil then reach at 12 x_x
plus she part tym nehhs!
she'l b leaving sh0pp at 8..
ii stil hafta pathetically stay in sh0pp til 9:30
darn ~ s= cl0se sh0pp al0ne-_-
* b 0 r i n g * !

t0dae in sh0pp d0 settlement ..
alriites bahh- n0rt sh0 badd-
h0pe tml st0ck c0me then n0rt sh0 sians ler ~
can st0ck take f0r da wh0le freak9 dae ^-^
haas ..madded nia0s* wif fang ru as0 slackd d-

hurrs, f0undd 0ut mae, jf, xia0 hui n janice cant w0rk t0gether.
kipp using sh0p d f0ne c0r each 0ther n crapp~
haas ..c0shh vehh b0red mahhs.
n0 supervis0r` use al we can x=
l0ls ..f0ne bill f0r 0ur tw0 0utlets sure vehh highh z_z

o_o sebb's backie fr0m japp ..
chatt9 wif him naw-
guess he had a nice h0lidae there bahhs~

* y a w n s *
bl0g9y tml~

Monday, February 14, 2005

start uf w0rk after sh0 l0ng ~

*wheets ..t0dae's vdae-
but p0or adel's w0rk9.
sum0re ishh at plaza sing,
da place wif l0tsa c0uples x_x
can c al0t uf gerls carrying b0uquet uf fl0wer ~
harts ball0on, biggy s0ft t0y-

from 12pm w0rk til ..9:30pm ~
feel9 sho sh0 sho tiired.
c0sh ydae slept at ..4:30am?
n ii w0ke upp at 10:30-
ii onli slept for 5 pathetic h0urs z_z

w0rk9 wif janice ishh supa slackd + fun n0rs*
t0dae w0rk supa sians d ~
c0shh n0rt muchh uf sales.
sh0 mae n janice decided ta buy th0se magnetic b0ard games ta plae.
snake&ladder + chess + checkers ..blahhs-
5in1 game b0ardd..
was lyk supa lame + siand lahh da game,
plae awhiles vehh sians le.
then we always plae halfwae g0t cust0mer c0me int0 da sh0pp mux st0pp ler.
budden we neh serve cust0mers lahh-
lazy x= hAas. t0dae jess came t0 p.s d 0utlet w0rs*
gimme red packet o_o
$12 0nli x= haa, betta than nuttin'?
d0nt care narhs ~

t0dae janice d m0od lyk vehh g0od nehhs.
sae wan treat mae drink water, eat thingy o_o
l0lx. at ferst we al th0t ish dat acti0n city guy-
actuali ishh her mum c0rd her n saidd ..
g0t a guy send a b0uquet uf blue r0ses to her hse.
sh0 sweet rytes ! x_x
* envi0us * s=

saw al0t uf pep0 during w0rk.
wy & cp.
xia0weii, yuheng(shiqi's br0) n gang.
marc, tristan, kian h0ng * jun guang.
jeremy s0ng n his gf.
mua pri sk0ol fwen ( jessie )

then jiafei c0me find mae after w0rk,
she w0rk til 8 ii w0rk til 9:30 ~
u n f a i r ! x_x
l0ls- n0 narhhs, c0shh ii g0tta learn haw ta d0 settlement.
then wed when w0rk wif fangru then ii n0e wart ta d0~
during w0rk ..arndd 4+ 5?
n0rt sure` fangru n her bf came ta ps.
c0shh they c0me ps w0k w0k~
in d endd stay in 0ur sh0pp slack arndd ..chatt til 9 o_0
uf c0shh in between tym g0t g0 arcade / w0k arndd ps narhs.
they made a c0uple ring- fit t0gether g0t a hart shape d
then g0t carve fang ru & jun jie~
ke aii nehs ! ((: that guy said guys giv gers fl0wer vehh lao tao-
haa, but as janice saes, gerls lyk wart- bo bian. l0lx`

w0w that ..guy ii mentiond in mua previ0us p0st.
he w0ke upp at ..9:30pm-
supa pig rytes~!
he c0rd mae jux naw o_o
t0kd f0r awhile bahhs ~
hurr- c0shh im lazy to sms / chat online.
supa duper tiired d~
he t0k ta mae lyk vehh stressd lydat sehh o_o
l0ls x= mayb ii tynk t0o muchh~
hehhs. naw stil sms-ing wif him bahhs-

hmms, tml sebb returning fr0m japp nia0s*
lyk, w0ws~ tym past sh0 fastt ..
w/o muchh n0tice's already nearing 15th
sh0 muchie happend when he's n0rt arndd ..
haiis ii cant b b0thered anim0re-
im sh0 sho tired uf everything.

tml g0na g0 w0rk earli.
10:45 must reach nia0s* c0shh g0tta 0pen sh0pp.
wedd w0rk wif fang ru she part tym n ii g0tta open sh0pp al0ne x_x
sh0 sho sians~ dun0e whie naw d0nt feel slpy sehhs-
im kinda madded ii guess ..
al thingy that happend made mae madd`
enuff uf bl09gy ~g0 uff nia0s*
cia0s .."(z(o0)z)"

special entry ~

t0 da 0ne hu c0nfessd ta mae n saidd uu l0ve mae l0ts.
w0w~ ii reali appreciate everything that uu'v d0ne f0r me
((: ! u'r sh0 sh0 sh0 supa sweet ..
seri0usly, ani gerl wud fall f0r a guy lyk uu.
cutex + sweet. always sh0wering ur care & c0ncern-

bball ~ii simply lurve ta watchie guys hu plae bball
they'r jux sh0 COOL !
haiir ! ii lurve ur hair ~
haa ..darn- im gettin9 a lil' madd here.
da 4 testim0nials' getting mae abit madded o_o
haa, c0shh im supa t0uchd!
g0d darn, ii m.
* swear ~ * ii din expect 4 ta c0me t0gether.
thnxie ~!!

im sure ani0ne hu bcums ur gf wil b vehh xing fu ..
fr0m al da testim0nials ii can as0 c that-
t0o badd ..uu seem lyk sh0 p0pular wif gerls!
jeal0usy level highh nehs ..
l0ls- alrites. aniwae~ uu takkaires uf urself kkaes.
d0nt kipp plaeing bball n neh takkaires!
c= al in al, ii appreciate everything that happend
we shal let fate decide kkaes?
..then agains, im n0rt g0na mit uu-
sh0 wart if ii fall in lurve wif uu..
can uu gimme an ans t0 this ......?

t0dae's valentines dae ~
^-^V th0se hu'r dateless ...w0rri n0 less!
jux l0ok at marc's blog post.
c0ns0le urself ..haa~
c0shh im w0rst, im w0rk9 x_x
l0ls- cia0s*

Sunday, February 13, 2005

dia0s* g0d darn.
m ii making mistakes agains?
makin9 ..bias judgement-
-__- g0d damn, if ii did im sh0 sh0 sh0 s0wii f0r hu ii blamed
~wow' sh0 wart happend t0 mae ydae f0r makin9 a wr0ng judgement.
freak ~x_x this feel9 t0talli suckd.

im warned against dat pers0n o_o
but im n0rt sure which s0urces r reliable ..
can ii jux leave everything as it ishh ?
i'll stil treat that pers0n as s0me0ne-
s0me0ne ii l0ok upp t0`
if ii ever wr0ngd uu s0wii- ii n0e s0wii d0esn't helpp
but~ yahhs. s0wii-

can lyfe b simple?
mayb sumtyms n0rt n0eing sh0 muchie
..ishh a blessing in disguise-

..adel's bloggy pr0udly presents ~da superbly extremely cutest babii --lennen lai ! xD

KAWAII ! x_x

12`o2`o5 ..an0ther mirr0r sh0t pic o_o darn im FAT s= that's mae, taken in mua c0usin's hse.

mae n mua CUTIE c0usin (lennen) ^-^V

mae n mua chi0 c0usin(r0u huii) ! ^-^V

Saturday, February 12, 2005

sh0 muchh f0r al these that happend ..

darn, got ta n0e an ugly truth~
but whie. ii stil cant believe that it's da person.
uu gave mae a total diff impression uf uu-
n ii realised that u'r sh0 ...
sh0 sh0 different.

haw naive can ii b- f0okd~
everything's getting c0nfusing.
thnks ta wh0eva hu t0ld mae da truth..
( uu n0e hu uu r )
if n0rt f0r uu ii wudn't n0e-
but lyk wtf?
haw can sum0ne b sh0 b0 lia0s`
ii hate ta accept da fact ..

mayb lyfe's lyk this.
sh0 muchh f0r warteva ii'v d0ne n everything-
mayb u'r jux lydat.
jux treat it as ii'v wasted mua tym,
learnt mua less0n-
t0 tynk ii treasured / cherishd uu l0ts`
but to mua disapp0intment ..
u'r jux ..
just sho ~different fr0m wart ii n0e uf uu-

mayb n0eing the 0ther side uf uu
makes mae realise lyfe's cruel.
every0ne's wearing a mask on.
n0 0ne's supa real-

gan kai b0ut uu-
stil wish da best f0r uu ...

Friday, February 11, 2005

al mua cousins ! sho kawaii bahhs ^-^V

mae n mua c0usiins ~b0th uf them sh0 chi0 rytes x_x si xian & j0yce r sistaz. (-^ ^-)x

this was practically wart ii w0re - but w/o da b0ots
darn. im sh0 fat x_x

o_o mae al set n ready ta g0 mua grandma's hse !
wheets ..haa- ii was da ferst ta finish preparing n0rs*
waitd f0r mua family ta finish preparing f0r 1 pathetic h0ur x_x

Thursday, February 10, 2005

sh0 funn ^-^

ii jux g0t back fr0m grandma hse~
im supa dupa tiired x_x
t0dae aftern0on went grandma hse bai nian then g0 ta mua dad's sis d hse-
mua aunt n c0usins sae ii change l0ts-
lyk cant rec0gnise mae o_o
sae nxt tym 0n da streets if c them mux c0r 0ut ta them,
if n0rt they wun n0e its mae s=
ii was lyk * ii g0t change l0ts mehs? *
duhhs ~ =.-x mayb bahhs ..

hmms`- t0dae ii w0re ..a pinkishh redd t0p- quite l0w cut`
poa skirt' n b0ots! haa* that was da attracti0n Xb
mua c0ussie/aunts al at there t0k9 b0ut it.
kinda paiisehh th0ughh -

wee~ they sae ii bcum slim ler o_o
askie mae jiay0us then bcum m0re chi0-
haa` sh0 sia0-ded.
after went ta aunt's hse- then g0 baq ta grandma hse at arnd 10.
plaed wif c0usins ~ate dinner`
then gambled wif th0se adults.
was kinda l0sing at ferst narhs-
then later win arnd 30+? haa.
fun ^-^v tml g0 grandma hse plae wif cousins agains.

hmms, sh0 fast w0rs-
later t0dae seb's g0na g0 jap nia0s*
peii n sandii g0na g0 airp0rt wif mae ta sendd him uff`
lyk, sh0 fast x_x ii guess i'l miss his presence.
t0dae wh0le dae lyk neh chat wif him~
c0shh was lyk al da while 0utside.
when 0n da wae h0me fr0m grandma hse,
l0okd upp in da sky`
g0t l0tsa stars* w0rrs-
thenn ii t0t uf him. ((:

alrites. im sh0 tired-
bloggie agains bahh ~
cia0s* b0n v0yage sebb..
nj0y ~ c=

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

that's mae n sandii w0rs ^-^V haa ..c0l0urd haiir gerls rawks ! XDD taken 0n new year's eve after sh0pping ((: hapii chinese new year ta all ~! get lotsa hong baos + biggy amounts ! c= cia0s* nj0y .. Xb

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

cny cny ~!

went ta grandma hse fer reuni0n dinner nehhs ..
t0ok piics wif mua c0usins ~
mua c0usin using mua dream f0ne- 7610 x_x
=c mua mum saes its ugly ! duhh =.-x dun0e haw ta appreciate nehhs.
hehhs- feel9 sh0 hapi~
peii c0rd mae. sae ah l0n9 c0rd her n she's feel9 supa hapii-
ii as0 hapii f0r her w0rs* lyk, fr0m m'sia c0r n wishh hapi new year! supa ke aii ~
o_o ii wishd f0r one t0o. hehs'
tml g0na wear b00ts + skirt + tee w0rs*
h0pe nice~ hees ((: kkaes narhs- g0 chattie ler..
cia0s* ~ wishh al hapii new year ^-^

Monday, February 07, 2005


im sadd ..
im disapp0inted ..
sighh- darn it -_-
mua hair's sh0 suckd`
supa fd upp >_<


awaiting ..a few m0re h0urs o_o

*wheets ~it's lyk ..a few m0re h0urs n ii wun b da simple black haiird gerl anim0re ^-^x
feel9 excited b0ut da 0utc0me uf mua haiir-
kekes ..((: * prays that its NICE! *
wil take pic n p0st d w0rs~ d0nt w0rry
haa ..h0pe ii d0nt l0ok lyk ahlian jiu kkaes ler XDD

w0w- jux naw br0wsing thru fwenster..
sh0 many cuties + chi0bus w0rs~
* envy * >_< hees` but darn, they'r sh0 ke aii'
ii saw s0me0ne wif 11 acc0unts~ sh0 madd n0rs*
x_x duhh! ..

later t0dae ..evening bahhs-
g0ing sk0ol event~ seems fun'
haa` g0 c fwens + teachers.
get mua l0llip0ps fr0m that billy b0k~
stupidd k0r ii haf n0rs* 0we mae since last year z_z
hurrs- h0pe it'l b an enj0yable nyte fer mae ^-^V
cia0s* -awaits f0r 3:30pm-

Sunday, February 06, 2005

; black haiird gerl __but n0rt fer l0ng ^-^V

w0ahs ..g0t mua pay cheque t0dae.
mua pay's 400+ ..n0rt badd narhs` when ii onli w0rkd fer lyk, 10daes? haa ~
darn that jessleen? pep0 posb she ocbc s=
supa d0rts n0rs* sum0re neh sign her name there.
we cant cash cheque. x_x
mean9 onli til 8th uf febb then ii can get mua m0ney =c
nermindd ~tskk >_<

ii jux dyed mua haiir ..BLACK !
ima black haiird gerl man. darn z_z
tml g0ing suntec wif jf ..wif mua black hair-
g0shh~ but ii supp0se its g0na b alriite narhs.
jux felt that ii l0ok supa ..sk0ol gerl?
lyk wif BLACK hair s= lyk sh0 GUAI KIA !
x_x which ii m ..naw m0re lyk ahh~
haas ~but nermindd.. 7th !
im awaiting fer that verii dae o_o

b0okd app0intment ler.. 3:30pm at kimage!
^-^V after that g0 sk0ol thingy n0rs*
hur hurrr ....0kies im tired-_-
n0ites' ~

Saturday, February 05, 2005


ii wana giv upp ..

h e l p p wo bahhs.

ima failure ..sighh'

can ii take it that ii'v neh met uu..
can ii ferget mua l0ve f0r uu..
can ii ferget every bit uf mem0ry that ii haf uf uu..

siighs, im feel9 supa sucky naw'
seri0usly speak9, ii stil haf a tinge uf h0pe..
b0ut us? ii tynk sh0-
but im feel9 sh0 dumbb naw.
c0shh onli naw d0 ii realise ..
realise that's 100% impossible.

ferget him.
ferget this love.
findd an0ther target.
let everything b just memories.

haiis ..haw m ii suppse ta go about doin9 that.
g0d im suffer9, again =c
it feels ..supa badd'
everything b0ut uu's .s h e e n a.
n nuttin' else- ii cant sense anithing else.
im left wif n0 ch0ice'

ii d0nt wana suffer.
ii jux cant xiang t0ng.
ware's mua guardian angelx.
ii nid uu-
pls appear ..s0on'
jux s0me0ne ta c0nfide in. it's nuff`

ishh there a win-win s0luti0n?
im scared uf being ur best fwen if we cant b t0gether.
im scared' siighh ..
can lyfe jux b betta.
can things jux g0 ware their expectd uf.
cry9 d0esn't helpp-
but ii cant helpp it ..

-b r 0 k e n-

Friday, February 04, 2005

an0ther slackd dae o.o

t0dae's an0ther slackd dae ~
jia feii came ta mua hse.
sh0 b0redd' hadd ..kb0x sessi0n?
haa* supa lame n0rs-
da feel9 supa diff'
we san9 jay's s0n9, then f4 o.o l0ls~
then went wif her ta buy her fav "cha0 guo tia0" at mua hse d market.
came baq ta mua hse, watchd s0me tv-

then jf's w0rk fwen c0rd n saidd-
da cheque f0r 0ur pay arrive le ..yay! ^-^V
haa's at n0vena'
tml mae n her g0na g0 takie ~
wheets` ii cant wait X_X
7th ! 7th ! l0ls' da verii dae when ii g0 n highlight mua hair ..
t0 B L U E ...! XDD
tml g0na g0 buy black dye n dye mua
n0rt sh0 br0wn d br0wn hair t0 black.
g0na b black haird gerl s0on ! T-T
but n0rt fer l0n9 ! haa..

jf's aunt helpp her highlight,
actuali ishh n0rt badd narhs' c=
jux that that c0l0ur abit ah lian kindd-
haa* d0nt suit her style o.o
she t0o guaii nia0s* l0ls`
* weiish, ii praise uu kkaes * Xb
hurrs- nuttin muchhie happend o.o
bl09gy again tml ...... ((:

o.o duhhs ~

~guess im feel9 betta than ydae.
duhh- kkaes' mae shal rec0unt wart happend ydae'

o.o was sup0se ta mit at tpy at 1:30.
then that darn hsiang ken,
c0rd mae at 10+, sae n0rt mit9 us.
c0sh he g0ing ta SP.
then ii t0ld peii- then peii sae we acc0mpany him g0 n0rs*
sh0 mae, pEii, f0n9x, yubb, guisheng andd nirezh wentt.
t0ld yubb al0t uf diff mit9 place, vehh messy narhs.
met peii at d0hby ghaut. reachd d0ver'
was t0ld that yubb's angry, wif wart?
c0shh we kip changing ...mit9 places?
then ..ok l0hh- w0kd arnd SP.
getting reali h0t + sians.
then f0n9x suddenli as0 n0rt feel9 g0od.
c0shh we w0k9 darn aimlessly ~
onli mae peii guis n nirezh feel9 n0rmal.
saw that wils0n, 0k0k l0hhs-
but vehh lame nia.

since every0ne sh0 ..duhh`
dislyk SP ? o0r warteva shytti.. l0ls-
we decided ta leave SP n ..pr0ceeded ta t0wn.
0n da wae on da train, f0n9x c0rd n said she left her c0mic in da t0ilet >_< dia0s*
sh0` she n wils0n went baQ.
mae pei yub guis nirezh went 0n..
g0 ta S11 ta eat ..
after that decided ta g0 kb0x.
nic0le din ans ~unable ta ask her 0ut o.o
thenn onli mae n peii went.
we g0 taka find hsiang ken + r0ng r0ng.
then we(pei me hsiangken) t0ok bus to ..........paradiz'
darn ! peii uu ..duhh -_-
t0ld us 143 can go paradiz.
n sh0.. we t0ok da wr0ng bus n ended up at an unkn0wn place.
then t0ok cabb ta paradiz.
went kb0x, mae n peii'
f0n9x j0ind us later ~
arnd 8 lydat wils0n came ta fetch f0n9x.
mae n peii tw0 sia0-ded gerls sing til 9+
g0t a guy peii sae kinda cute s=
ii d0nt findd it th0ugh lahh ~

then went h0me ...............
o.o endd uf ydae's enc0unter.
t0dae = slackd at h0me da wh0le dae ii supp0se'
h0pe jiafeii c0me mua hse ^-^x
haa~ plae ps2 as0 shuang ryte..
bl0ggy again t0nyte? yeahhh ......

m0od sp0ilt.

darn it.

t0dae ii was sh0 excited b0ut bl0gging t0dae's happen9s.
mua darn f-d upp br0 sp0ilt mua darn m0od.
damn it! n0o c0m? must use mine'
y must his f-9 gf stay in mua hse-
cant get nuff uf each 0ther? darn. >_<
feel9 supa eeky naw. arghh ! waiit til tml mua m0od betta then rec0unt b0ut wart happend.
im sh0 supa nice ta let uu use mua c0m le n0rs-
n0e wart's "de cun jing che"?
g0d damn. ii wana use stil d0nt let w0-
f0okd l0h, wart if im uu'
but i'l NEVER b uu, ii dun even haf da darn chance ta d0 that ..
f r e a k ..-_- uu jux suckd~
ii nida c0ol d0wn` g0 slpp le

* s0wii f0r al da crude-ness. *

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

~~~lallalas ^-^x

readd thru mua oldd bl0g' tynk al0t b0ut l0ve thin9y. ii cant expect s0me0ne ta f0rget the 0ne he simply 0nce l0ved sh0 muchie, mayb naw t0o. yeahh' c0sh mae muaself cant d0o it, haw can ii expect s0me0ne to? if ii lyk him, ii tynk ii shud respect him c= respect his decision. ii sh0uldn't feel sadd this wae im jux making muaself miserable ain't? alth0ugh sumtyms stil wil sadd, but stil, at least wo xiang tong le ((:

thnks f0r th0se pep0 hu cared f0r mae. th0se hu askd mae " r uu okays? " at least ii n0e uu al cared c= hen kaii xin. thanks again'

l0ve's a thingy that cant b f0rced. ii tynk' if im fated ta b wif him- ii will ..mayb a lil' eff0rt fr0m da b0th uf us when da tym ishh ryte. we cant jux always sit n wait f0r things ta happen ryte? c= but fr0m wart ii c ..sheena'a g0na b n0. 1 in his hart for l0n9. unless he reali xiang t0ng le, he'l b able ta c0nt wif his l0ve lyfe. n n0rt stuck wif sheena. sheena wil jux b a gerl wh0 had a great impact on him, his vehh precious memory, da gerl uf his dreams. but if its imp0ssible ta get her, jux go 0n wif lyfe. ii tynk i'l hafta d0 that, s0on (: ii d0nt wana regret anim0re. d0nt want saddness in mua lyfe' even if sh0, may da peri0d b sh0rt n g0ne fast.

seri0usly, it feels sadded ta b al0ne during valentines. seeing c0uples on da streets' sighh. esp that particular dae im w0rk9 at plaza singapura. a place filld wif couples n couples. vehh gan kai b0ut y lyfe's hafta b a t0rture. but then again, ii'v learnt ta live wif in, in da cruel w0rld. everything d0nt g0 ur wae, yeahhs'

darn ii haven g0t mua pay. y ~ >_< color="#ccccff" size="5">SOON! ii'v been awaiting for that dae f0r sh0 l 0 n g ..duhh' lyfe's t0rtu0us. n again, i'l hafta live wif it. c= finali b0ught a set uf new year cl0thes. siick uf sh0ppin' im seri0us. nuttin' new ~ w0k here, there- everything's smth similar.

ii missd g0ing kb0x. a place ware ii cant vent mua saddness/anger ~ warteva. sing uff all tr0ubles/pr0bbies. sighh' guess tml cant g0 agains. ii expected ta g0o tml d. but as fr0m wart ii c- tml lyk cant g0. nehmindd- ii guess da vehh next tym wud b 18th. ii w0nder til that dae, mae n him g0 kb0x. wart wil mua feel9s b f0r him' mayb simply fwens o.o then i'l b darn high in kb0x ..x= haa~ nahh' t0o madd. tw0 pep0 n0rt high d ^-^x

sumtyms ii w0nder d0es ani0ne readd mua bl0g? haa. ii d0 read pep0's one. 0nce in a blue m0on, al at once x= haa' aniwae, bl0gs can b private t0o. sh0~ hu cares? l0ls. kkaes narhs, it's tv tym ~slack9 arndd agains. duhh' shall bl0gg agains tml ~cia0s*

th0se interested in mua pastt..

ii'v a bl0gg bf0r this.
interested in mua past then g0o ~
o0r else jux treat uu neh c anithing.
readd thru jux naw, missd sk0ol- everything

reflecting 0n tings that had been happen9.

pig read mua bl0g.
he said that ..he felt that 'he' dun lyk mae.
n said, its bc0x uf l0oks.
guys g0 f0r l0oks. that's wart pig said'
seri0usly, im vehh c0nsci0us.
that set mae tynk9-
mayb pig's ryte. o0r isit ..

haiis' damn im sh0 blur uf everything.
jux naw t0kd ta peii 0n f0ne,
she t0ld mae b0ut ah l0n9's stuff.
hen sadded- made mae tynk uf ..
mae n 'him'. seri0usly, wart r we?
ii tynk that's a dumbb qn ta ask.
we'v always been fwens. okaes' that's da ans.
but im n0rt satisfied. w0 ha0 bu fu qi'
siigh- f0r daes, he neh reply w0 d sms,
onli chatted 0nline. whie? =c.

sh0 many things set mae tynk9.
ii shud giv upp'
II NOE !! ii n0e ii shudd.
but it ain't sae ..n it's d0ne.
as da saeing g0es, "easier said than done."
if ii sae ii dun lyk him anim0re,
im lying. if ii ever did that. ii wun b sadd f0r him.
jux naw tynk til nearly cry,
eyes watery d ~ haiis.
wei she m0 wo zhu ding yao wei bgr stuff er fan na0?
ha0 sha ~uu ask9 mae n0rt ta lyk uu.
if ii can, ii'd haf d0ne that l0ng ago.
ii w0uldn't haf met uu.
things w0uldn't turn 0ut lyk this.

w0 ha0 bu fu~
he t0ld mae that in da theatres,
his mindd ish full uf sheena.
at that tym ii nearly br0ked0wn'
ii sat beside a guy,
hu's mindd tynk9 b0ut an0ther gerl.
n ii n0e nuts b0ut it-
im jux n0rt g0od nuff.
darn, mua zi bei-ness gett9 str0n9er.
everything's changing after da meet9'
al in al, wart's wr0ng?
:: ans :: ii dun0e-

sh0 many uncertainty.
sh0 haw m ii supp0sed ta n0e wart ii wan'
ii ain't able ta judge things.
even if ii wan, wart can ii d0o?
s0methings jux d0nt g0 ur wae.
lyfe's lyk that, ain't?
~t0rtuous lyfe. when isit g0na endd'
o0r rather, can ii b hapii?
at least f0r 0nce.
let da hapiiness b f 0 r e v e r

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

tynk9 l0tz b0ut lyfe =c

who m ii? siigh'
wart a qn ta ask? yeahs`
im feel9 supa dumbb-
ii dun0e wart ta d0,
h e l p p ..ani0ne?
=c feel9 supa xin ku.
ani0ne hu cares?? haiis..

-- e n d d --

lame dae ..

t0dae went 0ut wiif yubb, hsiang ken & melda~
lame shyt nehhs. that hsiang ken supa lame f0r da wh0le dae'
make mae, melda n yubb cant st0p luff9 >_<

t0dae met melda at 3 ..g0 baq sk0ol take her calculat0r fr0m yuxiang.
then met yubb + hsiang ken at n0vena d l0ng j0hn-
mae n melda ate ler then we pr0ceeded ta far east ta sh0ppie ^-^
w0kd arndd ..ii b0ught a pair uf dangle d earring, n0 cl0thes th0ugh.

then decided ta w0rk ta heErens.
sh0ppd at heerens, as0 nuttin' d ..
sh0 we went OG visit peii, f0n9x n dEe'
heard that f0n9x l0st her wallet.
ne0printx, m0ney + ez link l0st >_<
n da wallet c0st 30+ ~
she's m0re sadded b0ut da l0st uf ne0printz
duhh`- z_z haa'
then ii askd her haw she g0ing h0me,
she saidd he send9 him h0me'
*whEets ^-^ sh0 sweet huhhs ..hAa ~
we left OG then decided ta g0 ta j8 (juncti0n 8)

reachd there- w0kd arndd..
actuali as0 n0 nice cl0thes s=
duhh' supa lame rytes.
ii went perlini's silver b0ught a bracelet.
supa nice w0rs* simple wiif a small star (-^ ^-)
haas~ simply l0ve it ..
al in al, t0dae din buy ani cl0things, jux access0ries
>_< dia0s* ~

wee~ then..
thenn.. s0mething supa lame happend'
we g0na take mrt ta tpy interchange sh0 al ez ta g0 h0me mahhs-
then that darn hsiang ken g0 plae ..
stand sh0 near t0 da platf0rm lyk g0na fall lydat >_<
then suddenli g0t ann0uncement ..
it g0es smth lydat ~
" dear passengers, pls stand bhind da yellow line while waiting for da train. "
haa, shudd b lydat narhs' then that hsiang ken stand JUST bhind da yell0w line.
supa d0rts n0rs* kipp askie him dun plae c0shh vehh danger0us he stil dun care-
then suddenli saw a kinda sh0rt guy, w0kd ta hsiang ken
..he tip t0ed n said " ii n0e uu vehh tal, but pls d0nt d0 that again. "
haas* supa lame n0rs- then hsaing ken was lyk sh0 paii sehhz ~
duhh- huo gaii narhs' hu askie him ta plae ~
hur hur` * xing zai le huo * ^-^x

t0dae ..din reali chatt wif him w0rs'
seri0usly, ii d0 miss him o.o
naw c0ntact less than last tym lerr-
lyk hen sadded w0rs*
an0ther ...10daes he leaving f0r japan nia0s'
til ..15? w0ws, lyk sh0 l0ng wun c him w0rs >_<
n0rt sae g0 0ut o0r wart, n0rt even 0nline nehhs.
hmm ..he neh reply w0 d sms agains'
feel9 ha0 d0ts o0rhh..
ha0 le..endding mua p0st f0r t0dae ((:
ca0caos ~